Annual Fracking Trailer Permits

Annual Fracing Trailer PermitsTxDMV issues an annual permit for the movement of a vehicle combination consisting of a truck-tractor and semitrailer specifically designed with a tank and pump unit for transporting liquid fracing products, liquid oil well waste products and unrefined liquid petroleum products to or from oil wells not connected to pipeline. The semitrailer must fall within Texas legal size and weight limits. This permit is an annual permit that expires one year from the effective date.

This permit allows movement when the vehicle or semitrailer:

  • Carries liquid oil well waste products or unrefined petroleum products from wells not connected to a pipeline and return empty
  • Hauls liquid products related to oil well production to an oil well and return empty
  • Hauls liquid products related to oil well production to an oil well and return with liquid waste products or unrefined liquid petroleum products from an oil well not connected to a pipeline.

NOTE: You must verify the size and weight limits needed BEFORE seeking a special permit.

Operating Authority Requirements

During the permit application process, you must provide your USDOT Number. TxDMV will check the number against the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) system, MCMIS, for any out-of-service orders prior to permit issuance. The permit will be issued to the company name as it is listed for the USDOT Number.

Additional Requirements

You are responsible for routing and obtaining current restrictions prior to movement. Active time permit holders may use TxPROS to generate free routes for loads moving under their time permit.

How to Apply

You may also call (800) 299-1700.

Payment information must be provided with the permit application.

Fees & Payment Information

Fees are based on the type of movements to be performed with the permit and the number of axles on the semitrailer. Fees per axle are as follows:

  • $52 per axle to haul liquid well waste products or unrefined liquid petroleum products from oil wells not connected by a pipeline and to return empty.
  • $52 per axle to haul liquid products related to oil well production to an oil well and to return empty.
  • $104 per axle to haul liquid products related to oil well production to an oil well and return with liquid oil well waste products or unrefined petroleum products from an oil well not connected to a pipeline.

There is a $20 issuance fee in addition to the permit fee.

Fees are payable by:

  • MasterCard, VISA, Discover or American Express (a service charge of 25 cents per permit plus 2.25 percent will be added.)
  • Automated Clearing House (ACH) – Electronic Check (only accepted when ordering online through TxPROS)
  • Cash (MUST be delivered to a TxDMV Regional Service Center)

A permit fee will not be refunded after the permit number has been issued unless such refund is necessary to correct an error made by the Motor Carrier Division.

More Information

  • The permit will list only one semitrailer, but the permittee may transfer the permit from an existing trailer taken from service to a new trailer added to the permittee's fleet.
  • Review your permit for specific curfews and conditions that apply to your load and movement.