Annual Ready-Mixed Concrete Truck Permit

Annual Ready-Mixed Concrete Truck PermitTxDMV issues annual permits to ready-mixed concrete trucks operating on three axles. Trucks may exceed the allowable axle weights by a tolerance of 10 percent provided the gross weight does not exceed 69,000 pounds (maximum single-axle weight of 25,300 pounds and tandem-axle weight of 50,600 pounds). This permit is an annual permit that expires one year from the effective date.

Trucks may not exceed Texas legal size limits

Note: Unless otherwise provided by state or federal law, a vehicle moving with this permit may operate on a state, county, or municipal road, including a load-zoned county road or a frontage road adjacent to a federal interstate highway, if the vehicle displays the permit windshield sticker and does not exceed the maximum gross weight.

NOTE: You must verify the size and weight limits needed BEFORE seeking a special permit.

Operating Authority Requirements

During the permit application process, you must provide your USDOT Number. TxDMV will check the number against the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) system, MCMIS, for any out-of-service orders prior to permit issuance. The permit will be issued to the company name as it is listed for the USDOT Number.

Fees & Payment Information

The annual permit fee is $1,000. Fees are payable by:

  • MasterCard, VISA, Discover or American Express (a service charge of 25 cents per permit plus 2.25 percent will be added.)
  • Automated Clearing House (ACH) – Electronic Check (only accepted when ordering online through TxPROS)

A permit fee will not be refunded after the permit number has been issued unless such refund is necessary to correct an error made by the Motor Carrier Division.

Permit Movement Conditions

  1. It is expressly understood that the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) shall not be responsible in any way for any damage of whatever nature that may result from the movement of the described vehicle and load over Texas roads or highways. By issuing this permit, TxDMV does not guarantee that the road or highway can safely accommodate such movement.
  2. This overweight permit is issued on the condition that the permittee will comply with all laws and rules relating to the movement of overweight vehicles and/or equipment on Texas roads and highways.
  3. This permit authorizes the described three-axle ready-mixed concrete truck to exceed the maximum single-axle or tandem-axle weight limitation in Transportation Code, Section 622.012(a) by up to 10 percent, provided the gross weight of the ready-mixed concrete truck does not exceed 69,000 pounds.
  4. This permit does not authorize the vehicle to exceed the manufacturer’s tire load rating, according to 49 C.F.R. 393.75(f).
  5. This permit authorizes the operator of the described ready-mixed concrete truck to travel through any state road or highway construction or maintenance area, provided the size and weight of the vehicle do not exceed the construction restrictions available on the TxDMV website, The permittee is responsible for contacting the appropriate local jurisdiction for construction restrictions on non-state maintained roadways.
  6. It is the responsibility of the permittee to clear any overhead obstructions or utility lines. In addition, all utility companies or other entities must be contacted in advance, as required by the utility or entity, to assist in clearing the obstruction.
  7. Loads must use designated truck routes in the cities of Andrews, Crane & Kermit.
  8. Every vehicle that is issued an Annual Ready-Mixed Concrete Truck Permit will be issued a sticker to be placed on the front windshield of the vehicle. The sticker must be removed from the vehicle when the permit expires, when the lease of the vehicle expires, or when the vehicle is sold. This permit is not valid without the window sticker.
  9. Unless otherwise provided by state or federal law, a ready-mixed concrete truck may operate on a state, county, or municipal road, including a load-zoned county road or a frontage road adjacent to a federal interstate highway, if the ready-mixed concrete truck displays a sticker required by Transportation Code, Section 623.0171(e) and does not exceed the maximum gross weight authorized under Transportation Code, Section 622.012.
  10. Unless otherwise provided by state or federal law, a county or municipality may not require a permit, fee, or license for the operation of a ready-mixed concrete truck in addition to a permit, fee, or license required by state law.
  11. Use caution at all railroad crossings. Railroad crossing hotline: 1-888-877-7267.