
The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles welcomes questions from the news media.

Please send media inquiries via email to or call our media contact, Adam Shaivitz, at (512) 465-1484.

If you are not with the news media please call 1-888-368-4689 or visit our main contact page via our website's header.

TxDMV budget and expenditure numbers are available at

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Social Media Comments and Questions Guidelines

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) welcomes your comments and questions via social media. We’re happy to help you during regular business hours. But please be aware that for some inquiries we may ask you to follow up with us by phone or email, especially if we’ll need your personal information (vehicle identification number, address, etc.) in order to research your question.

The TxDMV strives for effective communication and respectful dialogue on our Facebook page. Any posts or comments that are counter to these guidelines will be removed:

  • Comments must be relevant to the topic of discussion and avoid any malicious, offensive, threatening or profane language as well as any personal attacks.
  • Links to external websites may be deleted if they are not relevant to the topic of discussion or appropriate for all audiences.
  • Do not post any personal information such as your address, phone number or vehicle information.
  • Political campaign messages are prohibited.
  • Solicitations or advertisements are prohibited. This includes promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial or non-governmental agency.

Our social media sites are hosted outside of the TxDMV website. Please remember that the best way to receive a secure, official, personal response (especially when sensitive information is involved) is to contact our agency through these methods.